The Advanced MUSE Data products (AMUSED) is a public web interface for inspection and retrieval of extragalactic MUSE data products.

The data are organized in a PostgresSQL relational database. User can perform advanced source selection. The resulting source list can be visually inspected by looking to spectra, emission and absorption lines fit, reconstructed broadband and narrowband images and ancillary information (e.g. HST images).

This process allows user to refine the selection, possibly taking notes for sources of interest, and then download the selected data. Exported data can be tables in CSV or FITS format, interactive htmls visualisation files and sources files in the MPDAF multi-fits format.
User can also download the full data set without the need to inspect the sources, including the final reduced datacubes.


  • Roland BACON, CRAL, CNRS
  • Louis CHARNAY, work performed during his DUT internship May-June 2022 (Université Lyon 1, Bourg en Bresse)
  • Ravi SABRA, work performed during his Master 1 internship Sep 2024 -Jan 2025 (CPE Lyon)