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The MEGAFLOW project focuses on 22 Quasar fields described in Bouché et al. 2024 (A&A, in press). More information on the survey can be found in megaflow.univ-lyon1.fr website.

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The inspection and selection process is explained in detailed here:

Delivered data products

The complete descriptions of the delivered data products can be found in the survey paper. There are four types of data products: catalogs, source files, interactive html source files, and datacubes and images. The full dataset are available for download in the corresponding Download Archives page.


ID field_id id_offset EXPTIME(s) PSF checksum Cube version zqso_sdss ra dec depth ebv_planck rmag
1 J0014m0028 110000 35700.0 0.61 25f47cd95e13b8c49ca977e73fb40f6b v1_default 1.927 00:14:53.364240 -00:28:27.656400 25.0 0.061762645840644836 19.4
2 J0014p0912 120000 10800.0 0.84 a74f80043d65c69e54907b5bdcfe4528 v1_default 2.308 00:14:53.206276 +09:12:17.698900 24.5 0.17369292676448822 18.5
3 J0015m0751 130000 12000.0 0.75 6419dcdbb5661c5f27d139fda8c5a0aa v1_default 0.875 00:15:35.175732 -07:51:03.073570 24.5 0.04606865718960762 19.3
4 J0058p0111 140000 11200.0 0.7 9e83042b71c6cfa9c4a6b4b8bdfe8ec4 v1_default 1.222 00:58:55.757520 +01:11:28.572000 24.5 0.02964741177856922 18.2
5 J0103p1332 150000 13200.0 0.75 8adb2337a79f7355ea345907be84bb45 v1_default 1.663 01:03:32.308080 +13:32:33.554400 24.5 0.04033537581562996 18.6
6 J0131p1303 160000 13200.0 0.81 2e61895805151f3a7fdbd51e2c504aeb v1_gapfsf_masking 1.595 01:31:36.446640 +13:03:31.060800 24.5 0.0756034106016159 18.6
7 J0134p0051 170000 12952.6 0.78 13ea3c8a5226e033dc0ca1768cf62bf1 v1_default 1.519 01:34:05.771281 +00:51:09.402246 24.5 0.02850640006363392 18.4
8 J0145p1056 180000 12000.0 0.69 e3a0bc597a4584e1743e6a8becf47247 v1_gapfsf_masking 0.938 01:45:13.109526 +10:56:26.670671 24.5 0.06452000141143799 19.1
9 J0800p1849 190000 7200.0 0.56 34073fce0e7e2d5328bdb6ff6cb030d1 v1_default 1.294 08:00:04.552652 +18:49:35.082847 24.5 0.04168067127466202 17.9
10 J0838p0257 200000 12000.0 0.54 7f1be96cf250aed90061c04575de9620 v1_default 1.770 08:38:52.054800 +02:57:03.657600 24.5 0.03489340841770172 17.8
11 J0937p0656 210000 40400.0 0.72 89ab6e5f149a06b6155cc4cc0ea812c7 v2_sigma5(JZ) 1.814 09:37:49.586640 +06:56:56.270400 25.0 0.05018988624215126 19.3
12 J1039p0714 220000 12000.0 0.72 3ea7cafe122395fc0236a980f9e742bb v1_gapsfsf 1.532 10:39:36.668400 +07:14:27.362400 24.5 0.04934015870094299 19.3
13 J1107p1021 230000 12000.0 0.71 da5e363079f91fa88fbb4a91d49c95d8 v1_default 1.925 11:07:42.741847 +10:21:26.319612 24.5 0.031879447400569916 17.6
14 J1107p1757 240000 7200.0 0.88 95a5efdc152fd544a8e3a629c10eef40 v1_default 2.133 11:07:35.259040 +17:57:31.473888 24.5 0.023740574717521667 18.9
15 J1236p0725 250000 18000.0 0.73 8ec86ba0ae45d91194abd7c8599c5d78 v1_masking 1.605 12:36:24.393120 +07:25:51.549600 24.5 0.026050623506307602 18.7
16 J1314p0657 260000 6000.0 0.53 29873877ef013b9d73c517b0533c868d v1_default 1.880 13:14:05.621093 +06:57:21.963342 24.5 0.039501916617155075 18.0
17 J1352p0614 270000 13000.0 0.69 811089af96b015bb8aebf53b3b69b2f7 v2_masking 1.798 13:52:17.670480 +06:14:33.234000 24.5 0.032241493463516235 18.3
18 J1358p1145 280000 11200.0 0.55 11da75bcb1462b57802de2b10a19bbdc v1_default 1.484 13:58:09.489787 +11:45:57.616201 24.5 0.02382124587893486 18.0
19 J1425p1209 290000 9600.0 0.72 9ab0c849fe5dda83cce85c42f1e6ce5c v1_default 1.618 14:25:38.055840 +12:09:19.177200 24.5 0.03263659030199051 18.5
20 J1509p1506 300000 9000.0 0.5 242f94d1a2f5ed8c0592e3816f825d45 v2_default 2.238 15:09:00.121921 +15:06:34.789834 24.5 0.03670307993888855 19.3
21 J2137p0012 310000 20000.0 0.96 b4bfab66431c824fccb7570d16fc51bf v1_default 1.669 21:37:48.444000 +00:12:20.019600 24.5 0.0716392919421196 18.3
22 J2152p0625 320000 7200.0 0.57 854118c4600d793d387dbded0cd03086 v1_default 2.389 21:52:00.037862 +06:25:16.360626 24.5 0.06394605338573456 19.4


If you use these data for any publication, please refer to Bouché et al. 2024 (A&A, in press)