« UDF » - MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field surveys
Browse and select data
If you want to explore the catalog or select a subset of the sources for download, you should use the browse and select feature:
The inspection and selection process is explained in detailed here:
Download full dataset
The complete description of the dataset can be found in Bacon et al, 2022, A&A, (astroph-2211.08493) data paper.
- Tar archive of 6 tables in standard FITS format (8.8 Mb)
- Alternatively, tar archive of 6 tables in astropy FITS format (9.0 Mb)
Source files
Interactive HTML source files
UDF-10 dataset (FITS format)
- Reconstructed white-light image IMAGE_UDF-10.fits (0.8 Mb)
- Median Exposure Map image EXPMAP-IMAGE_UDF-10.fits (0.4 Mb)
- Datacube DATACUBE_UDF-10.fits (2.9 Gb)
- Exposure Map datacube EXPMAP_UDF-10.fits (1.5 Gb)
UDF-MOSAIC dataset (FITS format)
- Reconstructed white-light image IMAGE_UDF-MOSAIC.fits (6.9 Mb)
- Median Exposure Map image EXPMAP-IMAGE_UDF-MOSAIC.fits (3.5 Mb)
- Datacube DATACUBE_UDF-MOSAIC.fits (28 Gb)
- Exposure Map datacube EXPMAP_UDF-MOSAIC.fits (13 Gb)
- Field Map Image FIELDMAP_UDF-MOSAIC.fits (6.9 Mb)