« UDF » - MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field surveys
Quick Start
Register or Login
Although it is possible to navigate in the web site without registration, some functionalities will be available only to registered users. Click on register and enter your name, email and pasword. Then you can then login using your email and password. Once logged in, sources list and comments will be saved if you quit.
Projects and fields
The database is organised into projects that are generally linked to GTO programs. Some projects are not public and will be only available to expert users registered in the system. The main project page will display general information on the projects. It will also list the fields available. A field is a specific celestial location, corresponding to one or a mosaic of MUSE exposures. Some project like UDF have only one field while others have many fields. Select the field you are interested in. Note that you ca also go directly to the selected field using the drop-down menu
Downloading the full dataset
The field page give access to the full catalogs, sources and html archives and the corresponding reduced datacubes. You can download them directly from here. For a given field, there can be more than one dataset. A dataset correspond to a specific observational setup, e.g. a given depth or AO, non-AO observation. Each dataset has its own reduced datacube. Note that some datacubes can have large size, check the size before downloading.
Exploring the data
There are various possibilities to explore the data:
- Catalogs
- If you are only interested into some physical measurements available in the catalog, you can either download the full catalog or go to the browse and select page and them select a sub-sample for download.
- Interactive htmls
- The interactive html files allow detail inspection of the sources. They are specific to each project. See here for their detailed description. Interactive html files are provided for large and small screen format. The full set of html files can be downloaded and inspected with a web browser. An advanced browsing experience of available on the browse and select page.
- Source files
- Each source identified in the DR2 catalog is available as a specific Source file, a multi-extension FITS file which gathers all source information in a single file. The Source format is part of the MUSE Python Data Analysis Framework (MPDAF, Bacon et al. 2016; Piqueras et al. 2019). A source file contains generic information related to the source (e.g. its identifier and celestial coordinates), small images (e.g. white-light and narrowbands) and datacubes centered at the source location, spectra for various extraction scheme and tables (e.g. emission and absorption lines information). See here for a tutorial. The full sources archive can be downloaded or a subset using the browse and select possibility.
- Reduced datacubes
- You can perform your own source extraction on the corresponding reduced datacube. See the MPDAF documentation.
Interactive exploration
Data can be explored using the browse and select page. The process is the following:
- Use the filter data page to select the catalog subsample to explore.
- Go to the browse page and click on the first row of the table to open the interactive html browser.
- Review the source with the interactive html, mark it as checked or revisit if you want to come back to it later. Optionally write a comment and go to the next source.
- Once you have reviewed all sources, go to the export and manage list page. Export the current list to download the corresponding catalogs, sources and html files. Note that your entered comments will be exported as an additional column of the main table.
By default the browse data page display a subset of the table columns. This can be customised using the display options button. Note that this affect only the columns displayed in the browse data page, all columns of the table are always exported.
The filter page allows the selection of sources. Filtering criteria are organised into sections. Click to the section title to display the filters. For each selection, the numbers of source is updated (type return to force the update when you are in a cell). The clear fields button will remove your current selection and you will be back to the current list. Once you are done with the selection, click on the submit form and browse result button. Note that the selection is always performed on the current list of sources, if you want to redo a fresh selection you need to press the reset current list bitton. Each filter is additive, i.e. equivalent to a logical and. If you want to build more complex filter, e.g. (galaxies with z>3 and lya_emi_snr>5) or (galaxies with z<2 and oii3727_emi_flux>100), you will need to merge two lists, as described in the next paragraph.
List management
By default browsing is performed on the active list. The save as button in the browse data page will save the list with a given name. Such list appear in the manage list and export page, under the saved list section. The manage operations on list section allow the merging of two lists. To make a list active, click on the browse button in the saved list section. The dataset of the current active list can be exported using the export active list section.
Source tutorial
A MUSE source python tutorial is available here
The corresponding notebook and test data can be downloaded here (17.1 Mb):
UDF interactive htmls (IN PROGRESS)
For each source an html file with some limited build-in interactions is provided. The page is organised in three sections: the images panel (left top), the catalogs panel (right top) and the spectra panel (bottom).